Now is the Ideal Time for Pool Care Service

Well, Texas… Spring is now in full bloom; and although we’re into April, it’s already starting to get hot! With Easter Sunday and Memorial Day fast approaching, Texas families are looking forward again to private pool time fun. However, before you dive into your pool because the weather is favorable and the pool temp is ideal, there’s one thing you must consider. Schedule your pool care service with a professional residential provider.
Most Houston area homeowners don’t close their pools during the wintertime because of the weather. However, if you winterized your pool, when you open it for Spring, the process should be smooth. Yet, the majority of Texans pretty much abandon their pool for the short winter. Therefore, it may take a little more work to restore its full operation. And if you aren’t interested in doing the work yourself, consider hiring a professional pool care and maintenance provider. Experienced companies like One Source Residential Services of the Woodlands will get your pool back up and running quickly.
Start Servicing Your Pool Early
Just like the Astros and MLB, you don’t have to be afraid to start your pool care early. In fact, most Texas residents maintain pool services throughout the winter, as overnight temperatures can remain consistent above 40 degrees. The main reason to start pool maintenance early is due to the outside temperatures during the transition from winter to spring. If your pool doesn’t receive service at the time overnight temperatures remain above 40°, microorganisms will thrive in your pool. That green film is nothing nice! Thus, it’s best to start servicing your pool as soon as possible if you take pool breaks during the winter.
Preparing Your Pool
Pool care technicians will usually clean out your pump and filter system before they start it up. They will also clear the collection of debris off the system and flush any sitting water away. Once they turn on your pump and filter system, they’ll put it in “waste mode” to let it clean from the inside out. You’ll need to leave the system on for at least 24 hours. Keep in mind, your pool still won’t be ready for use until the technicians test the pool water.
Testing & Shocking Pool Water
Perhaps the most important aspect of pool care from a service provider is the testing and shocking of your pool. Professionals understand the importance of testing the pool’s pH level, as well as chlorine, other stabilizers, and cyanuric acid levels. They use various tools from a testing kit to also measure water hardness, or, the calcium and magnesium mineral levels. This pool care testing process must be done before anyone can officially start swimming in the pool. In fact, pool testing is vital to your health.
Another reason why pool technicians provide testing is to confirm your pool type so they can properly shock it. If you’ve never performed pool testing and shocking, or if you’re not really sure of the process, get help! It’s always best, for safety’s sake, that you leave this level of pool care in the hands of professionals. Pool maintenance providers, like those from One Source, will always follow the protocol to complete the shock treatment process. They allow the shock treatment to completely work, then conduct another test to ensure your pool is at ideal levels.
The Ideal Time for Help is Now
Once you open your pool for springtime fun, you know everyone’s already ready to start swimming again! However, before that first post-winter plunge, you’ll need to ensure that your pool is officially serviced. Most Texas homeowners don’t have the time to service their pool, and all they really want to do is simply enjoy it.
Thanks to providers like One Source Residential Services, you can do JUST that! If you live in the Woodlands, Conroe, and SW Montgomery County area, we’re just a call away. For the best local pool care, landscaping, lawn care, and post control home services call 281-363-4663 or connect with One Source online. Let us provide an estimate on all your residential service needs.